This chapter resorts to Clausewitz's theorising to situate the Limited War concept in strategic studies theory. It also traces the origin of Limited War thinking in strategic theory and its evolution abroad through the period of the Cold War. In the nuclear scenario, Bernard Brodie adapts Clausewitz and writes, Clausewitz's classical definition must be modified, at least for any opponent who has a substantial nuclear capability behind him. Robert Osgood is associated with developing the concept in the conditions of the Cold War. As the head of the National Security Advisory Board (NSAB) that drafted the 'Draft Nuclear Doctrine' released in August 1999, Krishnaswamy Subrahmanyam posited that inflicting 'unacceptable damage' was a necessary condition for deterrence. Once that sets in, the Kashmir Line of Control (LoC) will become an international border. The danger is in the prospect of 'mutually assured destruction' (MAD).