Self object experience is the name self psychology gives to certain forms of right-brain connection that seem to make special contributions to the development of a cohesive, energetic, and relationally competent self. Right-brain regulation of interpersonal rage requires unflinching interpersonal presence. Safe emergencies create mild to moderate affective arousal, and this optimal stress leads to optimal integration of dissociated neural networks, which is the neurobiological point of any modality of psychotherapy practice, Cozolino maintains. The self object function of idealizing also takes different forms at different times in a child's development. Ambition, too, seems to be more affecting than cognition. Sometimes the mirroring, idealizing, and twinning links made between our right brains and the right brains of the clients do their regulating and rewiring work out of sight and out of mind. The therapy relationship just feels good and they feel stronger in it.