As in any profes sion or work place there are always tools and resources avail able to assist employ ees with their day-to-day activ it ies, and project manage ment is no differ ent. There are specific train ing courses for aspir ing and exper i enced project managers to attend. The most estab lished is called PRINCE2. PRINCE is an acronym for PRojects IN Controlled Envir on ments and was launched in 1989, whereas PRINCE2 arrived in 1996 (PRINCE2, 2015). The main features of this train ing course involve guiding and support ing organ isa tions and indi vidu als to develop their project effect ive ness. Furthermore, there are computer soft ware programmes available to assist with project manage ment plan ning and imple ment a tion, such as Microsoft Project or StageIT. These soft ware programmes are designed to speed up and simplify the plan ning, distri bu tion and sharing of project stages and tasks. Project manage ment can be under stood in rela tion to control – controlling time, money, resources and tasks. Of partic u lar import ance in this chapter is control of time; the way in which time is estab lished, main tained and manip u lated is of significance to the project manager. It is argued that ‘Management is continu ally seeking new and better control tech niques to cope with the complex it ies, masses of data, and tight dead lines that are char ac ter istic of highly compet it ive indus tries’ (Kerzner, 2013, 597).