The laconic account of the journey to Paris on January nth for the opening of the Peace Conference was to prove prophetic of the Conference itself and of my own part therein. Lloyd George and Balfour had flats in the Rue Nitot, five minutes' walk from the Hotel Majestic, just opposite to Wilson's house in the Place des Etats-Unis. The Foreign Office Librarian, it is true, had prepared an ingenious diagram, rather resembling a spider's web, with the Supreme Council in the centre, and vast numbers of committees and sub-committees branching out. Foch and Weygand, Henry Wilson and the American General Bliss were present, but there was no Italian military representative. All the proceedings of the Conference were circulated simultaneously in French and English, and, by a process of solvitur ambulando, the French and English languages achieved an equal status throughout the whole series of the Peace Treaties.