In this chapter religion is divided into two kinds: First, Religion according to God and according to whom the Real taught and those who taught others what the Real taught them; Second, Religion according to the created beings, which God acknowledges. God's religion is the one which God chose and granted it the highest degree above the human religion. The word al-din is marked with the definite particle to designate a specific religion, hence this is a known religion in God's saying: 'The religion according to God is Islam', meaning submission. Religion means submission and the rule is the Law which God promulgated. This is the logical conclusion of Ibn al- Arabi's ideas, although he says that free choice and compulsion do not apply to God. The author seems to be inconsistent in his thought, because one cannot describe a series of cause-effect, the fixed entity, and then deny the consequence of one's thought, claiming that this procedure is irrelevant.