This chapter explores what mental skills training is and considers the evidence supporting the development of imagery, cognitive restructuring, self-talk, relaxation techniques, goal setting, and concentration/focusing strategies. Psychological skills training (PST) refers to the systematic and consistent practice of mental or psychological skills for the purpose of enhancing performance, increasing enjoyment, or achieving greater sport and physical activity self-satisfaction. Imagery is one of the most popular psychological skill techniques utilized by performers and coaches/mentors to enhance performance. Cognitive restructuring techniques have been applied across a broad range of contexts and have been shown to reduce depression; increase self-esteem; and reduce anxiety. Self-talk techniques are based on the use of specific verbal cues that aim to facilitate learning and enhancing performance, through the activation of appropriate responses. Relaxation techniques can be divided into two specific categories: muscle to mind, and mind to muscle. Goal setting has been advocated as "a highly consistent and a robust performance enhancement strategy".