Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) became an independent and autonomous state for the first time since the mid-fifteenth century. The effects of the new phase of the war, when Serbs, Croats and Muslims began fighting each other, were particularly felt in Mostar. In Mostar, in the immediate post-war period the canton Minister of Education was a known member of HDZ, the Croatian national political party. The Bosnian Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Physical Culture issued guidelines to schools on responding to the wartime conditions. The term 'ethnic cleansing' was coined during the Bosnian civil war to describe the events that took place. During the war, the actions of the international political organizations often appeared to support Serbia. It gathers in Dayton, Ohio, together with the presidents of BiH, Croatia and Serbia. The structure of governance in BiH provided by the Dayton Agreement was implemented in the immediate post-war period.