The primary demand of the Non-Stop Picket was Nelson Mandela's unconditional release. So, when he was finally released in February 1990, the Picket had achieved its main aim and had to come to an end. This chapter examines how the Non-Stop Picket ended and how City Group's activists reacted to this. It examines some of the ways in which City Group continued campaigning against apartheid after the Non-Stop Picket. The chapter also sets out some of the ways in which former picketers reflected on the post-apartheid settlement in South Africa. Following the end of the Non-Stop Picket, City Group continued its anti-apartheid campaigning. Throughout 1990, they led high-profile solidarity campaigns for the Upington 14 on trial in South Africa. The chapter concludes by reflecting on some of the lessons that the Non-Stop Picket might offer for those interested in practising transnational solidarity today.