The Webb's are the authors of many volumes of highly original writing on social and political institutions, from the History of Trade Unionism which was their first joint task, through eighteen volumes on Local Government, Poor Law History, and Poor Law problems, to arguments for Socialism or Communism. The fact that Webb's did not like compulsory social insurance as a means of finding necessary funds for the national minimum represents a difference of method rather than of principle. Beatrice Potter, became Mrs. Sidney Webb, was born on January 22, 1858, died on April 30, 1943. Beatrice became a member of the Government Reconstruction Committee in February 1917 and rejoiced, by end of that year, piloted the Minority Report proposals through its Local Government Committee, with help of Lord George Hamilton. The fact that the Webb's did not like compulsory social insurance as means of the necessary funds for the national minimum represents a difference of method rather than of principle.