This chapter explains the four-part win-win method for resolving all disagreements with a case study of the couples, Russell Greiger and Patti who has learned to successfully apply win-win conflict resolution to disagreements This chapter describes the four-step process that to most couples who face seemingly intractable and often contentious conflicts. It is fairly simple and straightforward, yet not always easy to pull off. The step process are Eliminate Relationship Disturbance, Adopt a Win-Win Posture, Purposeful Listening, Synergistic Brainstorming. Therefore the four-step win-win conflict resolution process which are explained in the chapter are Identifying Problems, Eliminate Relationship Disturbances, Adopt the Win-Win Principle, Purposeful Listening and Synergistic Brainstorming. Couples who adopt the breakthrough mentality may still not like to experience relationship problems, but they don't fear or avoid them. To the contrary, they welcome them as opportunities for win-win breakthroughs.