The cange which, carried me to Damietta contained also the belongings I had gathered during my eight months' stay at Cairo—to wit, the slave with the golden complexion sold to me by Abd-el-Kerim; the green chest that contained the property which he had left her; another chest filled with what I myself had added; still another, containing my European clothes, my last resort should evil fortune overtake me, like that shepherd's garment which some emperor kept to remind him of his former life; and all the utensils and bits of furniture which had been needed to furnish my house in the Coptic quarter, water jars and vessels for cooling water, pipes and narghiles, cotton mattresses and baskets of palm which served in turn as divans, beds and tables, and had the further advantage on a journey of being able to contain the various specimens of poultry from the backyard and the dovecot.