Colloquial Norwegian provides a step-by-step course in Norwegian as it is written and spoken today. Colloquial Norwegian will be an indispensable resource both for independent learners and students taking courses in Norwegian. Nouns can have three genders in Norwegian: masculine, feminine and neuter. The indefinite plural is most often used with numbers and other quantity words, like many or some. The ending -er is added to a noun to create the indefinite plural form, although there are many exceptions to this general rule. One-syllable neuter words do not usually take an ending in the indefinite plural. The definite plural is formed by adding the ending -ene, regardless of gender. For a few one-syllable neuter nouns, the definite plural ending is -a. In Norway, dialects have high status and are accepted even in the most formal of situations, for instance on television or when politicians in Parliament discuss important issues.