This chapter talks about the days of the week, time, food, meals, children and family members. The first day of the week is Monday on the Norwegian calendar. On the calendar, the weeks are numbered from 1-52. It is common to refer to the number of the week when scheduling events. Norwegians use the 24-hour clock. This is especially common on schedules - bus, train, movie, theatre. Even digital clocks display the 24-hour clock. Norwegians usually bring along a packed lunch, called a matpakke. This is as common for an office worker as it is for a child attending school or day care. The matpakke usually consists of several pieces of bread with cheese or meat. Norway is known for its child- and family-friendly policies. The birth rate is about 1.9, which is higher than the EU average of 1.5 and the second highest among the Nordic countries, with only Iceland higher.