Throughout the past three decades, electronic technologies have been infused into the educational culture in ways that are sometimes subtle and other times dramatic. During this time period, school leaders essentially have fallen into three distinct categories. The individual abilities of these educational leaders to move out of a negative, disobliging mindset regarding technological advancements and into a welcoming mindset have made the difference between success and failure. School leaders being prepared today, like many of this book’s readers, cannot imagine a world void of electronic communication. Those leaders recently retired or contemplating an impending retirement have, in many cases, weathered the past three decades and emerged as heroes, goats, or some combination of the two. Regardless, electronic communication has a stronghold as an essential component of a successful school-community relations plan. Descriptions of the various forms of electronic communication, along with important uses of electronic devices for improving internal and external communication follows after a brief description of the three categories school leaders have assigned themselves to by their reactions to technological advancements throughout the past two decades.