This chapter introduces the concept of positive psychology and the idea that we should be equally concerned with what makes life worth living as we are with what goes wrong. As Martin E. P. Seligman and Csikszentimihalyi, editors of the special issue, said: The aim of positive psychology is to begin to catalyze a change in the focus of psychology from preoccupation only with repairing the worst things in life to also building positive qualities. This 'special issue on happiness, excellence, and optimal human functioning' included articles on individual development, subjective well-being, optimism, self-determination theory, adaptive mental mechanisms, emotions and health, wisdom, excellence, creativity, giftedness and positive youth development, thereby providing a broad vista of topics that were deemed to be covered under the positive psychology umbrella. The role of the practitioner, from a positive psychological perspective, is not only to alleviate distress but also how to facilitate well-being, promote health and build strengths.