Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) assumes that feelings of personal empowerment derive from being able to successfully meet the stresses and strains of daily living. The consequation nature of CBASP is so pervasive that the refractory walls which prevent engagement will ultimately collapse, perceived functionality will be acquired, and patients will be informed by the interpersonal effects they produce after they learn how to read them. CBASP teaches patients that everything they do with others has effects. CBASP psychotherapists are the choreographing teachers who construct therapy sessions to demonstrate that patients have always been inextricably connected to the world of others while simultaneously teaching patients how to use these connections to overthrow the chronic disorder. The partly wrong component is his failure to observe that the maturational consequences of early maltreatment are the patient's interpersonal avoidance and his or her perceptual disengagement from the social-environment.