Situational Analysis (SA) is the major technique used in Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) that modifies Core problem 2; that being to perceptually connect the patient to the social-interpersonal environment. SA consists of an interpersonal story provided by the patient which, when elicited, moves from the beginning of an interaction to an endpoint or outcome of the exchange. SA teaches patients who think globally to focus on one problem at a time. SA sensitizes patients to the fact that their interpersonal behavior has consequences. CBASP wants patients to learn to self-administer SA and to continue a daily regime of self-administration for the remainder of their lives. When the first success occurs in a CBASP session and the actual outcome is equal to desired outcome, what's hoped for has now become reality. CBASP never attempts to modify thinking and behavior apart from the actual outcome effects they have in the slice of time.