This chapter explores the significance of three terms indicating emotional problems that are routinely associated with suicidal practice in Madampe: suffering, frustration and anger. People in Madampe often use this simple distinction to define suffering suicides from frustration suicides and anger suicides. Priyantha's and Chutaka's cases describe two different perspectives on frustration suicide in Madampe, which, as people saw in, alludes to the problem of frustration that has been so integral in discussions of suicide there. As people consider anger suicides they find that compared with the shamelessness of suffering suicides and the in-between status of frustration suicides, anger suicides are thought of as being more obviously 'pathological'. Suffering suicide is cool, and in the main is practised by middle-class men with the aim of preserving the patriarchal order; frustration and anger suicides are increasingly hot and practised by working-class men and women and youth with the intent of undermining it.