This chapter contributes to the growing body of work in South Asian anthropology and sociology which is concerned with romantic love and the 'rise' of the 'love marriage'. Framed as a consequence of 'one life, one love', young men actions may better be explained as a response to the changing field of marriage practices in Madampe, and in particular pressures to meet, court and propose to young women in a context where dating remains an impossibility. Nayomi's case demonstrates the interplay of several important features of young women's self-harm in particular. First, it shows how processes of blaming and shaming described in spiralled in Nayomi's life, from a small argument between schoolfriends to a larger dispute with adults, and finally to a violent reprimand by her father. The chapter provides upside-down the accepted history of romantic suicides, and by extension the spread of romantic love ideals, in Sri Lanka.