The meaning of the inhuman is either contaminated by our understanding of human subjectivity or it is utterly inconceivable and, thus, ethically irrelevant: Janicaud is correct to point out that our current understanding of the posthuman must be specified by its relation to humanity. Species relativism (SR) states that only certain values are compatible with membership of a given biological species: According to species-relativism, certain experiences and ways of existing properly valued by members of one species may lack value for the members of another species. Cosmopolitan liberalism is not inaccessible for a typical Spartan. Under favourable circumstances they could engage with it and compare its virtues with Spartan arete without altering their biological substrate. The IA technology has been tested on rats and consenting human subjects in deregulated corporate interzones. There is, consequently, some fragmentary information about its functioning and its effects on human and nonhuman cognition and subjectivity.