There are twenty-five letters in the Slovene alphabet: five vowels and twenty consonants. Three of the consonants have a superscript diacritic ˇ (i.e. č, š, ž).

Approximate English equivalent

Slovene example

English translation

A a a Amêrika ávtobus

America bus

B b b Benétke bràt

Venice brother

C c ts (as in bits) Cêlje césta

Celje road

Č č ch (as in church) Čéška čáj

Bohemia tea

D d d (but dental, e.g. as in French dans ‘in’)

Dánska dán

Denmark day

E e either e in get or é in French été ‘summer’

Evrópa êna Élba étos

Europe one Elbe ethos

see 1.3.3

F f f Fráncija fànt

France boy

G g g Gŕčija gledalíšče

Greece theatre

H h ch (as in loch) Hrváška híša

Croatia house

I i i (as in machine) Índija igrálec

India player

J j y (as in young or boy) Japónska jêzik

Japan language

K k k Kitájska krùh

China bread

L l l (or w; see 1.7.4) Ljubljána lép

Ljubljana beautiful

M m m Máribor mléko

Maribor milk

N n n Norvéška nós

Norway nose

O o either o in got or o in French dos ‘back’

Olímp ôče Óhrid ópica

Olympus father Ohrid monkey

see 1.3.3

P p p Prága pótnik

Prague traveller

R r r (rolled as in Italian or Russian)

Rúsija ríba

Russia fish

S s s Slovénija stòl

Slovenia chair

Š š sh (as in fish) Švíca študènt

Switzerland student

T t t (but dental, e.g. as in French

tomate ‘tomato’)

Témza téden

Thames week

U u u Urál učítelj

The Urals teacher

V v v (or w; see 1.7.3) Virgínija ví

Virginia you

Z z z Zágreb zíma

Zagreb winter

Ž ž s (as in measure) Ženéva žénska

Geneva woman

Vowels spellings of foreign names or borrowed expressions, e.g. New York, Quai d’Orsay, quid pro quo, xêrox.