This chapter considers the immediate reactions that Freidrich Nietzsche, his friends, and critics had to History for Life (HL). It accounts which theses Nietzsche retains into and jettisons from his later philosophy of history, especially the 1887 Genealogy of Morals. This chapter considers at least some of the ways HL has resonated in the thoughts of historians and historical theorists of the 20th and 21st Centuries. Immediate reactions to HL came from both friends and professional scholars. Given the fast-paced chronology of the series, several reviews appeared that covered multiple "Untimely Meditations". Franz Hoffmann contextualizes them within contemporary Schopenhauerianism generally and HL specifically with respect to Nietzsche's clash with Eduard von Hartmann. Part of the normative force of Nietzsche's genealogical method is to undermine those who make moral judgments on the premise that the past really was' like this or that. The popular way of asserting objectivity aimed to ensure that historical judgments be value-neutral.