This chapter ventures a return to the work of Slavoj Zizek for a further discussion of the tension between the unsettling distortion and the modulation of authority. Using a comparison of the science fiction neo-noir thriller 'Minority Report' and the postmodern spy tale 'The Recruit', it will be seen how the Freudian reading of authority revolves around a triptych of paternal figures that secure access to language, enjoyment and reality. The myths of the Father that Zizek takes from Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan are myths of parricide where the subject comes to subjectively relate to the symbolic universe by overcoming the agent of the Symbolic who is legitimated by the order of the symbolic universe. In the Lacanian psychoanalytic frame: the promise 'to have' the mother is transmuted to the Father who functions as an abstract/symbolic stand-in for the subject, thus the subject is alienated and decentred from the relation.