This chapter explains basic technique in Transactional Analysis (TA) therapy. Berne's therapeutic operations provide the transactional analyst with a range of interventions which form the basis of TA therapy. This model is remarkably flexible and sufficiently detailed to provide the therapist with a good toolbox of techniques which are applicable to all clients. Hargaden and Sills have adapted Berne's list and have reframed them as empathic transactions. This slight change in emphasis reminds the therapist of the importance of sustained empathic dialogue with the client. The chapter explains also additional interventions like Soothing, Metacommunication, Dual awareness and Contractual process. TA therapists are often very good at providing explanations to their clients and draw on a range of TA theories and concepts to help their clients understand their own process. Within TA, confrontation is used in a broader sense and refers to 'any move you make that invites your client to test his script beliefs against here-and-now reality'.