The ordinary theories of personality, however, assume on the one hand a series of psychological states, and on the other, a Self. The Self is represented as a substratum or substance, which is a rigid, invariable, immutable unity. The psychological states are a plurality and are equally invariable. But how this plurality or multiplicity can possibly be combined with that unity, is, M. Bergson argues, simply not explained by the ordinary theories of personality. In creative evolution M. Bergson finds everywhere nothing but variety. The essence of evolution is continuous change. To this view of the universe M. Bergson's theory of evolution is diametrically opposed. The best answer to M. Bergson's argument is one that was given long ago by a Hindu philosopher in discussing personality. The view that changes are not only real but the whole of reality is set forth by the distinguished French philosopher, M. Bergson, for understanding both the world and the individual.