This chapter addresses the data from both the 'Pathway to Change' program and the inmates' personal narratives by drawing out particular themes in the production and reception of expert knowledge. 'Pathway to Change' is copyrighted by clime international and distributed by positive solutions associates. Clime international is a company that claims to develop life skills curriculum and training resources for at-risk youth and adults in educational, criminal justice and business arenas. According to Lois Presser a narrative is sometimes referred to as a life story or life history. The only difference between Presser's conceptualization of offenders' interpretative narratives and mine is the analysis of meaning emergent from the inmates' words. In chronicles, the onus of responsibility for determining which events in the narration are important lies on the receiver of the tale, in narratives, the storyteller maintains a tighter hold on the thematic progression of the tale and what is important.