In exercising analogical similarities between the fields of architecture and film, there are always strengths and limitations. The similarities and differences between the two media have been widely discussed. It is the operation of montage between the two media that becomes truly significant in some of Koolhaas's work. This chapter considers the manner in which Koolhaas introduces the Kunsthal, Rotterdam project in his book S, M, L, XL. The description of the building has a photomontage layout and a simultaneous narrative that runs parallel to the manner in which one would actually experience a walk through the building. Eisenstein's discussion of movement and montage drawing on Choisy's walk at the Acropolis is no doubt significant when it comes to any architectural discussion of montage. In this case, montage created by a conceptual juxtaposition of shots to create an elegant sequence. The theater production of Zangezi by Tatlin employs the idea of layering and montage in a very fascinating manner.