This conclusion presents some closing thoughts covered in the preceding chapters of this book. EU-China Human Rights Dialogue was first initiated in 1995, the Chinese MFA used it to prevent another draft resolution at the UN Human Rights Commission. comparison between the fictional and intentionally bizarre disputation imagined by Chan Koonchung in his satirical dystopia and the very real discussions that took place in the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue between 1995 and 2010 is not only far-fetched but also skewed. The EU's engagement in the Human Rights Dialogue, on the other hand, turned from fairly optimistic to entirely ceremonial. A direct link between the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue and a positive human rights-related decision can credibly be established in only one case: the visit of the Special Rapporteur on Education to China in 2003. The right to education was never discussed at any length during the Dialogue, nor had a visit by the Special Rapporteur been on the agenda.