This chapter analyzes some issues of the language of inclusion in relation to the standards agenda, using selected references from recent research or commentaries. It discusses some aspects of training by and for special educational needs coordinator (SENCos). The chapter shows how the SENCo's skills and knowledge might help them to develop inclusive practice. The SENCo's role in training and developing colleagues to meet the needs of children with SEN has been strengthened in the Code and can take different forms, from INSET days to role-modelling in classrooms. Planning systematic training that is responsive to identified needs and monitoring its impacts is an important SENCo responsibility. Few teachers will have had significant training on SEN and disability in their initial teacher training (ITT). The chapter examines the SENCo's role, in its totality, within the context of whole-school development. Reviewing policy will include considering which tasks are to be performed by the SENCo along with other roles and responsibilities.