The Tree Art Museum is located in Songzhuang, an arts district in the town of Tongzhou, just under an hour outside of Beijing off the East 6th Ring Road. Songzhuang is a planned arts colony and the biggest arts district in China; it has a wide range of arts venues including the Xiwang Art Museum, the Song Art Gallery, the LDX Contemporary Art Center and the Songzhuang Art Gallery. It is a private gallery with a public mission to humanize an auto-oriented landscape and to provide a space of contemplation for contemporary art. Most of the arts venues, though, are open only by appointment, and outsiders can find it difficult to navigate the area. The resulting building has three different types of gallery spaces, ample courtyards, and an inhabitable room plaza. While it is made of the same materials as many buildings nearby concrete and glass the museum's curves and courtyards set it apart from its neighbors.