Solar-powered desalination is a highly sustainable choice, especially since much of the demand is in areas with high irradiance levels. Photovoltaic (PV) solar additionally has the lowest water consumption requirements. Three main techniques used for desalination are: reverse osmosis (RO), multi-flash distillation (MFS) and multiple effect distillation (MED). Further techniques are: mechanical vapour compression (MVC) and electrodialysis reversal (EDR). The principal solar options for desalination are: concentrated solar power (CSP), solar thermal (ST) and PV. Wind power is also an option. Plasmon-mediated solar desalination utilises an aluminium structure that absorbs photons spanning the 200nm–2,500nm wavelength range, and is claimed by researchers to be both cheap and 'clean'. Researchers have demonstrated a plasmon-enhanced solar desalination device, fabricated by the self–assembly of aluminium nanoparticles into a three-dimensional porous membrane.