The study of behaviour in groups and organizations must include the work and influence of Kurt Lewin. Even now the current areas of study in group dynamics can in most cases be traced back to his original influence. In a memorial address shortly after Lewin's death Tolman said: Freud the clinician and Lewin the experimentalist these are the two men whose names will stand out before all others in the history of our psychological era. Although Lewin was a psychologist and not a psychoanalyst, much of his work and many of his ideas are closely related to psychoanalysis. In their article: The Relevance of Freudian Psychology and Related Viewpoints for the Social Sciences Hall and Lindzey wrote: A few individuals such as Kurt Lewin played an important integrative role; within the confines of academic institutions they made earnest efforts to conduct controlled empirical research that was related to, and in part inspired by, psychoanalysis.