This chapter presents evidence for how, over the last fifteen years, corporate reforms have encompassed a widening range of reforms, including evaluating teachers through standardized test scores, privatizing the developing of curriculum and assessments, and promoting charter schools. In the Rochester area, the hearing was scheduled for a Wednesday afternoon at a local high school. Approximately six-fifty teachers, parents, and community members showed up; those who wanted to provide three minutes of testimony were assigned a number for when they would speak. During the first three hours, dozens of people spoke against the Common Core Standards, curriculum, and tests. Only one person spoke in favor of the Common Core, a superintendent of a local suburban district. Governor Cuomo, like Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) and Education Reform Now (ERN), builds directly on the neoliberal ideas first promulgated in 1950s by the Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman, whose writing on economics is probably the most well known in the United States.