The first Palestinian student association was founded in Egypt in 1944, located in King Fuad University. It was headed by Arafat continued to claim political achievements. The student association expressed the prevailing mood of the Palestinian generation that had grown up in the aftermath of the Nakba. The Palestinian national awakening, the vanguards of which were the student associations, had occurred against the backdrop of the rise of Pan-Arabic nationalism and the formation of the United Arab Republic (UAR) in 1958. The Arab Nationalists took the reins of control and in the Third Congress of the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) held in February 1964, their leadership was ratified ex post facto. The Arab Nationalist's tactical maneuver was further supported by a political alliance with Fatah members, who controlled many of the European offices and whose backing was requisite to the Arab Nationalists democratic majority. Hence they were the chosen leadership of national unity and consensus.