The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was founded in 1964 in the period between the third and fourth conferences of the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS). Fatah was encouraged by the outcome of the Fourth GUPS Congress, having strengthened its position in the union. The GUPS served Fatah not only as a political platform, but also as a vehicle for the recruitment and training of young members for Armed Struggle, upon which the movement had pinned its hopes. Various Israeli state representatives sought to approach the Arab and Palestinian student leaders. For the young GUPS leaders, the issue of financing the convention was a token of their struggle for independence and political esteem vis-à-vis the elite patriarchy of the PLO. The 1967 War prompted many Palestinian students to join ranks with the Armed Struggle. Beginning in 1967, the Palestinian Confederation in Germany also began publishing a German-language periodical, with the aim of presenting the Palestinian resistance to the German-speaking public.