This chapter explores many tips and tricks relating to Physics, Collisions, and Pathfinding of feature sets. The chapter describes "Physics" is a general term, referring to many Unity features for simulating physical forces affecting the motion of GameObjects. "Collision" refers here to a smaller subset of physics features dedicated to detecting when two objects or entities collide. And finally, "pathfinding" means the ability for objects, like enemy characters, to navigate their way around the scene while avoiding tangible obstacles like walls. "Jumpy physics" is an affect usually applied to player characters in first-person mode. It is the ability to jump much higher than usual and, after jumping, it takes much longer returning to ground level. There are many ways to achieve pathfinding in Unity most of them require "manual coding". However, Unity ships with a native or "built-in" pathfinding system that is especially suited for 3D games, called Navigation Meshes.