victory in the Cold War imposes burdens and responsibilities on the victors that few are ready or willing to face. At the landmark London Summit of 5, 6 July 1990, the North Atlantic Council (NAC) begins the reorganization of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its mission. NATO reduces its forward presence and nuclear weapons are deemed no longer weapons of first, but of last resort. The great 50-year nuclear debate is over-at least for the time being. Resolution 687 also goes on to prohibit missiles with a range greater than 150 km. To ensure compliance the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) creates the UN Special Commission (UNSCOM) to carry out intrusive on-site inspections and mandates the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to verify Iraqi nuclear disarmament. On 10 December the Western European Union (WEU) is redefined as the defense component of the European Union (EU), and a means to strengthen the European pillar of the Atlantic Alliance.