Organizations individuals use their organizational memberships and attachments as res-sources to maintain a sense of meaning in their known-world. Reassembling the scattered pieces of our known-world requires recasting our memberships and attachments. Farmers abandon the intensive cultivation of their crops, change their logics of action and together start an organic agricultural cooperative. The organizations individual is never isolated but inextricably connected through organizational links to the past, present and future. Each scrap of the exquisite corpse can be reused in a new design of the organization of the world. The reprise of the world hinges on the reinterpretation of our memberships and attachments. Organizations offer solutions to various problems. Committing to new memberships and new attachments is the first mode of the reprise of the world. The reprise of the world is built through three levels, the resources, and the implementation of action plans and the creation of a universe of meaning.