This chapter describes Seth's response to the feud and his subsequent imprisonment, which is discussed under the superordinate theme 'experience of punishment'. It then proceeds, under the superordinate theme 'roles, reflexivity, relationality and desistance', to discuss the role of Seth's extant familial, social and personal relationships in supporting desistance over time, commencing with his relocation to London, following his release from prison. The chapter discusses the significance of employment in Seth's narrative of change, under the final superordinate theme 'the meanings and outcomes of work'. It also discusses Seth's life beyond the fragmentation of the Del, and, in that, his process of desistance. The chapter illustrates the contributions of the revised group, Seth's relationship with Lesley and his family of formation in supporting desistance, and the centrality of work to his changing self-concept, social identity, and to the nature and form of these social relations and their interactive dynamics.