Gerard Manley Hopkins and Dante Gabriel Rossetti exemplify two additional forms of such extended typology. Rossetti abstracts a crucial feature of typological symbolism: it's ordering of time in terms of prefigurations and their fulfillments. Then, emptying this structure of all christological import, he tries to use it to endow his own life with coherence. Like many other Victorians who make extensions of typology, Rossetti secularizes it. In contrast, Hopkins looks does not secularize this divinely instituted form of symbolism, for he exemplifies a different kind of abstracted typology: instead of employing a single defining quality of the entive mode, he creates a powerful form of typological allusion by abstracting the essence the defining conceit, idea, or structure from individual scriptural types. Finally, the explicit and skillful use of typology that Rossetti displayed in his early poetry had several major effects upon his career. It provided him with a means of making poetry and painting into sister arts.