This chapter explores how people can read discourses of gender security in the stories of activists to enable us to make connections between discourses of gender security and perceptions about conflict and post-conflict. The first part of this chapter explores the notion of personal-political imaginations, which is the primary analytical vehicles that use to understand various perceptions of post-conflict. In the second part of this chapter, discuss the research process which formed a text enabling analysis of personal-political imaginations. In the final part of this chapter, pay particular attention to poststructural notions of narrative and temporality. These analytical strategies acknowledge that discourses of gender security are constituted and produced through a range of subjectivities and limitations, appreciating discourses as systems of meaning-production. Throughout this chapter, author return to Boban's anecdotes to expose the strategies used to analyse and make sense of the post-conflict personal-political imaginations of activists, and the connections to their gender security discourse.