The 'space of flows' is made up of nodes and networks, of places connected by electronically powered communication networks through which flows of information that ensure the time-sharing of practices processed in such a space circulate and interact. As Kristen Whissel argues, The expansive spatialization of the digital image often draws attention to the unstable extremes of space and to the feeling that one is not very far away from the edge, from falling, flying, or disappearing. Digital age science fiction cinema exists in the streams of these networks and nodes, creating representations of its movement. It explores timeless time through the way linear time is annihilated by its expendable spaces, temporal journeys. In all these manifestations, endangerment enters the fictive world: space is an envelope through which dark materials merge and converge. The science fiction film is concerned with the aesthetics of destruction, with the peculiar beauties to be found in wreaking havoc, making a mess.