The therapy session is usually a poor arena for assessing change because of its removal from the client's everyday experience. Assignments carried out between homework allow clients to test and change their maladaptive thoughts and beliefs in real-life situations. Homework, or whatever term clients choose, allows them to apply the skills of Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) with increasing confidence and competence. Also, without homework tasks clients may become 'emotionally constipated' instead of dealing with the 'it' as they arise. Beck et al. state that 'the patient encouraged viewing homework as an integral, vital part of treatment. Homework is not just an elective, adjunct procedure'. Therefore, clients encouraged from the first session onwards to carry out homework tasks not delay implementation of these tasks until they feel comfortable with the CBT format. Homework tasks agreed collaboratively, but in the early stages of CBT the therapist usually takes a more active role in setting such tasks.