Structures are overarching frameworks that can guide the coach's questioning in the course of a coaching session. Structures can add direction, progression and momentum to a conversation. The most well-known generic coaching model is the GROW or I-GROW model (Issues, Goals, Reality, Options, Will/Wrap-up). The GROW model was originally developed by Graham Alexander, and was later popularized by Graham Alexander. The first stage of the model enables the coachee to talk about the general issues or themes that they would like to explore. Goals are a key feature of coaching conversations, and at various points in the conversation the coach can help the coachee to clarify the goals they have for the immediate session, the engagement and the future. Once goals have been established, the focus can shift to an exploration of the coachee's present reality to establish what is going on in the present and the distance between the coachee's current situation and their goal.