This chapter examines how coaching psychology can be applied to enhance practitioner development, in this case supporting a senior leader to develop her proficiency at 'people management'. The chapter demonstrates the application of development coaching in a school context, drawing on the principles and practices of Solution-Focused Coaching and Self-Efficacy Theory. A preferred future is the coachee's vision of life without the problem, an imagined time when the goals of the engagement have been achieved and the benefits of doing so have been realized. On many occasions the preferred future descriptions initially offered by coachees will require further shaping in order to provide the necessary clarity, direction and motivation for the engagement. Towards the end of the coaching session, the coachee can be provided with specific feedback about, strengths they have demonstrated, qualities they have shown or successes they have experienced. This concludes the session positively, while aiming to further strengthen the coachee's sense of self-efficacy.