John I was the fourth son of Fasiladas, and he succeeded his father in 1667: he reigned fifteen years and died on the 20th (or 15th?) day of Hamle (July) 1682. His throne name was ’A ‘alaf Sagad. His queen was called Sabla Wangel, and he had four sons and one daughter, Amlakawlt, who died in the second year of his reign. The principal events of the reign of John I are summarized in the Chronicles thus: 1ST YEAR. War in Godjam. 2ND YEAR. Raid on the Shankalla led by the Belaten Geta Gabra Le‘ul; war on the Hankasha and expulsion of the Franks. 3RD YEAR. He separated the Muslims from the Christians, and made laws as to the food. Raid on Bandja 0 ^ 5 8. 4TH YEAR. Trouble with the monks of Yebaba, a district on the ’Abal in Amhara. 5TH YEAR. Deposition of Christodoulos, whom Fasiladas had made Abuna, and appointment of Sln5da in his place. Raid on Gam. 6 t h y e a r . Raid on Jara. HTH YEAR. War on Lasta. 13TH YEAR. War on Lasta. 14TH YEAR. Quarrel between John I and his son Iyasu over the deposed Abuna Christodoulos. Iyasu fled by night, was pursued by his father’s officer, but escaped and found asylum in his sister’s house near the Blue Nile. A few months later a reconciliation took place between father and son. 15TH YEAR. A synod was held, the king being present, and the monks of Dabra Llbanos and the monks who were followers of Eustathius discussed the Incarnation of Christ; the former were led by Nlkalawos, find the latter by ’Akala Krestos. Nlkalawos maintained that Christ was a God, Who proceeded from the Father alone, and that He was joined to a human body by which He became the Messiah. ’Akala Krestos maintained that Christ was perfect God and perfect man, and that His body was formed of a special QAiC?' bahreya, substance, which was entirely different from ours, and was not derived from His mother, the Virgin Mary. The king acted as moderator and summed up the arguments of each of the debaters, and having stated that his own opinion was identical with that of the monks of Dabra Llbanos, he excommuni­ cated ’Akala Krestos, the follower of Eustathius. Prince Iyasu did not agree with his father’s action, and once again fled from the

palace, but was caught at the River Baklo, which flows into the ’Abal between Godjam and Begamder.