The first trouble was caused by the rebels in Damot, who attacked and cut up one of the royal armies led by KambI, and the chiliarch ’lyob (Job) fled to Godjam and returned to Gondar in hot haste. The king at once made Warana governor of Damot, Slnoda keeper of the fortress of WahnI and ’Ay6 governor of Begamder. Warana marched to Samsln and was attacked by the Agaw, but with the help of General Tamba he fell on the Agaw, defeated them with great slaughter, and captured their tents and baggage, and nearly all their muskets. He then sent messengers to the Galla across the river, and ordered them to be ready to come to his aid and to lay waste the country. He marched from Samsln to Sakala and occupied the church of St Michael, where he found the Agaw assembled in a state of great fear, for they expected the Galla to come and exterminate them. He set before them in conciliatory language the two alternatives, namely to keep the peace henceforth, or to be slain by the Galla ; they agreed readily to keep the peace under his protection, and to pay the king an annual tribute of 2000 oxen, and to give him 500 oxen for himself and his army.