This chapter contains the complete hieroglyphic text of the first division of the book Am-Tuat, which is Called Net-Ra, with translations and reproductions of all the illustrations. This text was produced by the priests of Amen-Ra at Thebes. The hidden Circle in the Tuat wherein this great god is born; he cometh forth into the pool of Nu, and he taketh up his place in the body of Nut. The boat of the sun, in which stands the god under a canopy formed by the body of the serpent Mehen; on his head are horns and a disk. The end of the Tuat, which is represented by a semi-circular wall or border formed of earth and stones, or perhaps granite. Above his head is the beetle, symbol of Kheper, who has emerged from the boat of the Sun-god, and below is the 'image of Af', that is to say, the body of the night Sun-god, which has been cast away.