This chapter contains the complete hieroglyphic text of the first division of the book 'Am-Tuat', which is Called Net-Ra, with translations and reproductions of all the illustrations. This text was produced by the priests of Amen-Ra at Thebes. IN the scene that illustrates the FIRST DIVISION of the Tuat, which is passed through by the Sun-god during the FIRST HOUR of the night. In the upper part is the boat of the dead Sun-god. In the lower part of the middle section of the scene we have another boat, in the centre of which is a beetle. Stand ye up, in URNES, and establish yourselves on the secret banks thereof, and work for the gods of Taut in the Court which ye guard, possess ye your plans in your seats, in your domains and in your fields. This great god passeth them by, and they wail when he hath gone by them in the FIELD OF URNES.