European Enlightenment sociology has a theory of its own structure and a theory of revolution. The problems facing the Algerian revolution were different and they were dealt with in a far more systematic way by the third world's most significant theorist, Franz Fanon. Fanon had grown up in Martinique and had originally been influenced by the Martinique leader, Aime Cesaire. Actual revolutionary events include black power movements in the USA and the other formerly slave-based countries. The rational, liberal and socialist approach to the situation of the American black in the past was to deny the relevance of colour to questions of human rights. From the point of view of communism in its European form, the destiny of the Algerian peasants and workers was to work with the French proletariat for the overthrow of French capitalism. The period of social upheaval which follows colonialism may be a long dark period fraught with much brutality and bloodshed.